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Alone with a microphone

Writer: Pippa TeasdalePippa Teasdale
I sat alone in my house staring at the big box that had just been delivered. I knew what it was. It was my brand new microphone. Do I wait - as I would do normally - for my engineer husband to come home & sort out even the most remotely technical aspects of life?


Everything from wiring plugs to changing light bulbs would normally have me at the other end of a room feverishly biting my finger nails! Not this time!

This was MY time & MY microphone!

No matter how uncomfortable I was going to get pushing myself out of my comfy, technophobe, fluffy blanket - my goodness I was going to go for it! And do you know what? It wasn't half bad!

All along this process I've surprised myself so far. It was rather lovely and rewarding getting my stand upright, base flatly on the floor, tightened & secured in place. The crowning glory is of course my CM25 MKllI condenser microphone fixed comfortably in place. In fact I'm thrilled with my whole recording package.

My microphone comes paired with a Scarlett solo USB audio interface, mic cables & closed-back headphones. There is even software included to start making my recordings in no time. How on earth did a technophobe like me fit everything together & start recording?

Well once I'd calmed down I simply registered my product & went through the instructions & 'how to' videos to get my software downloaded. Who is this person? I'm being calm, logical & inquiring about technology! I'm learning new things!

Do I know it all? ABSOLUTELY NOT! So I've hooked up a few things & started on my journey as a voice over artist. So what?! Yes I hear you.

The journey of self discovery & technical know how doesn't stop here. I'm now reaching out to other artists & engineers in the recording business. Next stop on the journey is to the fabulous Plastic Tree Studios where I'm going to try my hand at production, recording & ultimately bettering myself as an artist.

There is no more comfort zone to hide in. I'm on a voyage of discovery & have no time to waste.


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